Thank you for thinking about using our shopping service, similar to (DoorDash or UberEat) but exclusively from our own BartenderGirl's event planner staff. We're excited to provide you with a personalized PRINTED shopping list tailored to your event, making your planning process unique and special!
Before we can create the list for you or provide an accurate cost estimate, we need to know what drinks you'd like to serve at your event. Your drink preferences are crucial for us to plan your event effectively!
To view or print the top drinks menu for your event, please download our ready-to-print menu from the following link:
The "Regular Drink Menu" are our most popular drinks served at all type of events over the last 24 years of service.
The shopping list will be e-mailed or shared via our cloud service to you via the e-mail on file in our records, we will charge an additional $14.99 to generate this file for you, it will appear in your invoice as "Personal Shopping List to PDF"
The shopping list will tell you the specific quantities and items that you need to buy for your event.
This List Will Include The Following Items:
- Spirits
- Liquors
- Garnish
- Ice
- Glassware or Plastic ware Quantity and Type
- Mixers (Including the soft drinks)
- Beer Quantity
- Wine Quantity
- The amount of Napkins, Straws and Picks as well!
Quick note: Remember if you want the regular drink menu, just select "Yes, Select These 13 Drinks" in the drop down below.
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